DIY Skincare With Natural Lotion Base - Tips & Recipes | N-essentials

DIY Skincare With Natural Lotion Base - Tips & Recipes | N-essentials

Published by N-Essentials Team on 15th Sep 2022

Reviewed By: Kacie La

Tired of looking for a skincare regime online?

Have you ever wanted to learn easy-to-follow DIY skincare recipes yet were afraid that it won't end up well?

Cut down your worries and let N-essentials help you discover ideas on how to effectively care for your skin!

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Homemade beauty products are something that is becoming very popular.

Not only is it something that you can turn into a hobby, but you are also able to create recipes that suit you and your needs. It also means that you know exactly what is going into your product and when it comes to skincare products, this is something that is very important. Many store-bought products contain a long list of ingredients, some of which you cannot even pronounce, and they can be full of different chemicals. By creating your own, you are able to keep your products eco-friendly, healthy on your skin and steer clear of all the nasties.

A lotion is a smooth liquid designed to be applied to any parts of the skin. It's one of the few things that people can use to pamper themselves. It moisturizes the skin, replenishes rough spots, and makes your skin look healthy and glowing. Body lotions can also be used daily in a variety of purposes that benefit users in specific situations.

Due to its powerful properties, lotions have become one of the most top-selling essentials in the market. However, not all lotions provide the nourishing effect to the skin as some may contain too many synthetic materials that are relatively not safe to use. This is where we step in and help you in choosing natural products.

At N-essentials, we have a wide selection with which you can choose from. Many of our products are natural, affordable and perfect for people who are thirsty in satisfying their needs.

Furthermore, to make things a little bit quicker and easier for you (especially if you are just starting out with making your own products) you can use a pre-made lotion base for many of your products.

Our  unscented lotion base is made up of naturally derived ingredients and includes fractionated coconut oil , cocoa butter , aloe Vera and vitamin E. All you need to do with the lotion base is add your own essential oils, herbal extracts or color pigments in order to create your customized products.

Why add products to a lotion base?

You do not have to necessarily add anything to our unscented lotion base. It is already full of natural ingredients that are great for your skin, however, if you are looking for something that is tailored to a certain skin condition or requirement that you have such as, a tinted product or simply want something that has a nice smell to it, then adding additional ingredients is the way to go.

Adding ingredients is not something that has to be done, it is more of personal preference. There may be beauty products in the shops that you love the smell of, but you are wary of the ingredients listed on it. By purchasing our unscented lotion base, you are able to then make a natural product that smells similar and is fully customized to your personal needs.

What can I add to the lotion base?

There is a range of different things that you can add to a lotion base in order to make your own product from it. These things can include:

Essentials Oils – Essential oils can be added to the lotion base for a scented lotion or because you are looking to work on a certain skin concern that you have. There is a range of amazing benefits to essential oils and different oils cover different things. Find the oil that not only smells amazing but is a fit for what you want to achieve. The most common fragrances are lavender and vanilla.

Natural Extracts – Natural extracts are another great thing that you can add to your lotion base to make it more personalized or to focus on certain skin concern. You can add things such as natural green tea extract or natural chamomile extract to your lotion base to add a bit of extra flare.

Powdered Mica Colours: If you are looking to make a tinted moisturizer then using a powdered mica color is the way to go. It is a good idea to first add the powdered mica color to liquid glycerin to help it disperse through the lotion properly.

What should I not add to the lotion base?

Adding high amounts of liquid to the unscented lotion base can make the lotion become too thin and unable to be spread properly.

Avoid adding additional carrier oils in large amounts like goats’ milk or high-acidity ingredients.

Stick to small amounts of oils or powdered products to keep the consistency of your lotion. The suggested usage rate is 0.5% - 1% of your own additives into the lotion base to make a facial lotion and 1% - 2% to make a body lotion or a foot butter.

Check out some simple DIY recipes below on how to make a lotion using our unscented lotion base.

Citrusy Blend For Oily Skin



Add the essential oils to the lotion base in a water bath. Mix well so that the fragrance permeates throughout the whole lotion base. Then, pour into a container or bottle with an airtight lid.

Use daily to help with reducing oil production and minimizing pores.

Lavender Body Lotion


  • 1/2 cup shea butter
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 30 drops lavender essential oil


Add shea butter and coconut oil in a desired container. Bring 2.5cm of water to boil in a small vessel. Place the desired container into the water and simmer until oils have melted together. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Then, add in and stir for 2 minutes the olive oil and lavender essential oil together until it becomes solid. Move the mixture to a pan and whip it using an electric mixer until it becomes solid enough like the texture of a lotion.

Get started now and enjoy these zero-waste, moisturizing DIY lotion recipes for dry skin!

It's non-greasy and a must-try! However, this is just optional and will vary upon the user's choices.

In case you are looking for high-quality essential oils online in Australia, visit N-essentials. We supply to retail and wholesale customers at wholesale prices. If you are looking for more information about our products, feel free to call us today. Alternatively, you can also email us at


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