

Published by N-essentials Team on 28th May 2021

Reviewed By: Kacie La

Candles have manifested over time. Ages ago, light as a necessity was only found in candles, or at least, in that form. The lowly villages were making use of the humble candlestick whilst kingdoms flaunted prosperity through majestic chandeliers of candles and crystals. Today, candles are no longer a practical necessity but they still prove to be both an essential at home and an advantage for commercial use. In fact, their degree of usefulness ranges from both a want and a need. 

Yes, a want, indeed. People seek DIY candles not for a need but that they see its relevance. And they want that. Making candles at home has become a craft to love. People who were passionate for candlemaking eventually mastered this skillful art and made beautiful handmade candles of the very best kind. One that is desirable beyond their function. But beyond that, they know that quality is what sets homemade candles apart from manufactured products. Interestingly, anyone can do it and achieve quality — you included.

As a starting point, this prompts the question, how then can I make premium homemade candles? Don’t worry, keep on reading as we will guide you through. 


Long time ago, the only choice available to us was to stick a wick into a lump of tallow. But, nowadays? You would take pleasure in choosing from the wide selection available for candlemaking. Now in a modern world, different types of candles have emerged — votive candles and tea lights, among others. Candles have been recreated for function and art, or a combination of both at its finest. So, if you are asking what makes a great candle, the answers you can elicit from professional candle makers would probably vary but are also not wrong. Nevertheless, any type of candle will basically contain these three main components namely: a wax, a wick, and a container. A substantial foundation for these three will make the difference between a good and a great candle.


First, and foremost, a great candle is made up of quality wax.

This is the first decision you'll encounter in making homemade candles. As you may know, wax is the heart of the candle. Before you rush out to hoard candle making supplies, it is important to determine what type of candle you wish to be realised. Determining which type will primarily help you decide the suitable type of wax to choose. The correct and suitable type will not compromise quality for anything.

There are 4 types of wax to choose from. These are beeswax, paraffin wax, soy wax and gel wax. Each of these types have different characteristics with some candle waxes preferred by many for several varying reasons. But going back to the basics, the factors you’ll have to consider with your decision would be the price, availability, possible allergies it might cause, and the burning time. Let us go through each of these types in brief.


Beeswax is known to be the oldest candle making ingredient having been found in the pyramids of Egypt. Many would contest that Beeswax is the best wax to use. But then again, this will actually depend on the aim of the maker.

Beeswax are easier to melt and weigh in bead form, thus, will also obtain more accurate measurements. Because it is made up of a natural substance, it will not easily spoil and become rancid. The wax is naturally golden and has that subtle scent. It is reputed as an excellent type of wax for luxurious candles because it burns longer compared to other types. One caveat of this natural byproduct, however, is that it would be difficult to infuse another fragrance effectively since the natural scent will interfere.

Read this blog article to learn more about how to make beeswax candles and the benefits of using them.


Paraffin Wax is the most popular candle making ingredient. This traditional wax is cheap and versatile whereby you can easily add up colours and scents. This is mainly why they are common. The commercial candles you see on the shelves at the store today are probably made of paraffin. However, this type of wax has recently not been universally embraced by consumers being a by-product of the crude oil refinement process. They often create soot and smoke once burned thereby making them more suitable for small kinds like votive candles.


Soy wax is the newfound ingredient in the candlemaking scene. Although paraffin is the most popular, Soy wax is on the rise and also becoming more popular as it continues to take a solid hold. They are completely natural and does not contain any additives. Longer burning time, scent retention, smoke free and lower melting point are only a few of its benefits.

Most soy waxes are made from 100% soybean oil whilst others are made from a blend of vegetable oils and other waxes. Consumers often get confused by this but the important thing to note is that for as long as the majority of the mix is soy, it is considered a soy wax blend.

Furthermore, we have outlined for you a complete guide on how to make soy candles at home.


Gel wax is actually made from a combination of resin and mineral oil and is therefore not actually a wax. It is, however, a great addition to candlemaking, adding more variety to how candles are made. Its transparency makes it unique and is often used to create real-looking beverage candles like wine and soda. The astute candle maker can get creative with gel wax as they can embed items that will embellish the finished product. One exceptional advantage of this type is its burning longevity which happens to be twice as long compared to paraffin wax.

Because Gel Wax is primarily composed of oil, fragrance oils must be soluble in oil if applied. 


Second in our list are wicks. Just a forewarning, do not undervalue the right wick to use for your handmade candle.

For whatever reason, candle wicks seem to be considered a lower priority when shopping for candle making supplies. We are mostly occupied with handpicking our wax type, container design, or fragrance oil. With candle wicks, however, not so much. Unfortunately, such neglect might give you issues with your beautifully handmade candle, watching it burn too fast or not burn at all.

It is equally important to choose the correct wick if you want your candle to burn and release delightful scents optimally. A few factors to keep in mind when weighing your options are consistent flame, safe and moderate temperature, a non-toxic clean burn, and the burning time, among others. Considering these factors are enough emphasis as to how crucial this decision can be.

Determine the diameter of your candle as the first step. Deciding what a good wick to use is primarily involved in choosing the right size — the width in particular. We certainly do not want our candle to tunnel and using the wrong wick might ruin it. In retrospect, you will need a larger wick for a larger diameter. Realise that if you use a wick too big for the candle, the container might not handle the temperature and break. On the other hand, if you use a wick too thin, it might flame out when the wax is fully consumed.

Read more about the several types of wicks and their characteristics and uses for additional guidance.


Thirdly, containers. A quality candle is enclosed in a heat proof container.

Choosing the correct container is an important safety issue. In picking out a container to use, observe these three basic rules to ensure safety: it won’t catch fire, it won’t leak, and it won’t break. Be prudent and carefully decide what’s safe and what is not. Only premium handmade candles are enclosed in safe containers that don’t scald your hands when touched. Very simple, and yet, worth mentioning. You would actually be surprised as to how many unsafe containers are being used.

Your container should be capable enough to take the heat once the wax pool and the flame is burning. This is assuming that a suitable wick has been incorporated. Most glassware, ceramics, and canning jars are good options.


If you are sensitive to fragrance, you can leave this out. However, scented homemade candles are actually the most sought after candles these days not only for their aromatherapy benefits but also as a home decor that speaks for experience.

Scents are an addition to what makes a great candle. Fragrance has indeed become one of the buying factors for consumers today. People are fondly infatuated with scents, especially when they find one that best suits their taste. People who are looking to spruce up their homes will want to include a pleasant smell and what better way to ensure a perfectly fragrant home than to use scented homemade candles offering a spectrum of scents.

For fragrance, we certainly want what scatters and lasts. The  fragrance or essential oils, known to be naturally fragrant, are what is added into the recipe for candlemaking to set the ambiance. Common popular scents can come from  ylang ylang and peppermint essential oils and  jasmine absolute oil. A great candle does not use harmful substances to smell nice but instead makes use of quality natural oils.





General safety is never omitted in every project and candlemaking is no exception. When making candles, the right equipment will be necessary. A double boiler should be used in melting the wax. Because you are dealing with fumes and hot liquids, always try to wear gloves during the process to avoid splattering.

As an added safety rule, educate yourself with the importance of flashpoints. A flashpoint is the temperature you need to note at which beyond this point, wax is combustible. The flashpoint is your absolute maximum that you can allow wax to be heated. Always have a thermometer during the process.



There is a certain warmth and homeliness that your DIY candle can bring. However, we want you to remember that a lighted candle is an open flame which might be a potential danger if left unsupervised. Therefore, it is imperative that you never leave your lighted candles unattended. On top of that, secure them as far away from anything that might catch fire — curtains, plants, books, anything flammable really. On a positive note, what we are telling you is prevention and we only want you to be cautious. Only complacency and pure neglect is truly tragic.


Candlemaking is not exactly rocket science. The topic may be broad but the basics remain intact all through out. A foundational knowledge to this will suffice to guide you to create your own. When choosing your candle supplies, as in all other decisions in life, there is only one way for you to exercise sound judgment. Fostering prudence before taking any action will more often than not lead to a favourable outcome. That said, we believe you’re ready. Now you can move on to the fun part and actually do the craft. Check out some of our recipes that might catch your interest.


You can find quality candle making supplies here at N-essentials. You can easily buy the supplies online either in small quantities or in bulk orders which we offer at a wholesale price.

N-essentials Australia is your trusted supplier and distributor that offers quality, environment-friendly, raw ingredients. Over the years, the shop has gained credence from satisfied clients because of the brand and accommodating service we consistently deliver. Here at N-essentials, we make it our priority that you get nothing but the best quality of these products. We encourage you to browse more of our website where we have a blog section with relevant articles and our online store of available products alongside informative descriptions.

If you have questions or wish to know more about our products, feel free to get in touch with our team. For your interest in bulk orders, please don’t hesitate to communicate with us for further discussion. You may contact us thru email at

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