How to make a luxurious hand cream for over-used hands

How to make a luxurious hand cream for over-used hands

Published by N-Essentials Team on 28th Dec 2021

Reviewed By: Kacie La

Our hands are one of the most used parts of our body. They are in charge of so much and are constantly being used to pick things up, work and are subjected to a lot of water and soap through washing.

It isn’t surprising that hands are one of the driest parts of our body due to the exposure that they have.

It is important to try and keep your hands as soft and healthy as possible to avoid breaking the skin, dryness, and redness from appearing.

Hand cream is something that you can apply numerous times throughout the day without worry to the skin and can be applied as soon as you start to notice dryness throughout the day.

If you walk down the supermarket aisle you will be fronted with a range of different hand creams all promising something different. Instead of standing confused in the aisle at the supermarket, why not look into making your own hand cream?

Why do I need a hand cream?

How many times a day do you wash your hands? All that water and soap will add to the drying out of your skin and can cause redness and breaking of the skin around the fingers.

Weather also plays a huge part in the drying out of the skin along with the constant use of the hands.

This is why it is important to make sure that you are using a good quality hand cream to keep them moisturized and hydrated.

Why should I use a homemade hand cream?

By using a homemade hand cream you know exactly what it is that you are putting directly onto your skin. Many storebought hand creams include a long list of ingredients that are not actually necessary for the cream and are just ‘fillers’.

Another benefit of using a homemade hand cream is that you can tailor it to your needs. If you struggle with super dry hands, you can create a cream that is going to hydrate them more than a standard cream.

You can also choose the fragrance that you want your cream to be so that you are happy with the scent that is coming from it. Those with allergies do much better with a homemade hand cream as they know whether there are any of their allergens in it or not.

Want to know more about creating your own hand cream? Check out the below recipes and try one out for your own hands.

Homemade Hand Cream


1/4 cup shea butter

1/8 cup sweet almond oil

1 tablespoon beeswax

10 drops myrrh essential oil

10 drops cedarwood essential oil


Melt shea butter, sweet almond oil, and beeswax together in a double boiler – not straight on the heat.

Continue to stir the mixture as it melts.

Once melted, remove from the heat and allow to cool for 5-10 minutes.

Stir in your desired essential oils and then pour into an airtight container to allow to cool and harden.

Apply as needed.

Our hands are our most used body part and need to be looked after as much as possible.

Take the time to give your hands the attention they need to continue looking and feeling soft and gentle.

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